The REAL Podcast | Dina Burlage & Tracy Blunt | Real Estate JourneyGuiding Clients Through Their Real Estate Journey


  • What got you into real estate? 
    • Dina:  I worked as an appraiser in my early 20s and have always been drawn to the real estate industry.  I worked with my husband in the entertainment industry for over 15 years but decided it was time to start the career I always wanted to create.
    • Tracy:  Before teaming up with Dina, I spent 13 years working in Property Management for one of Orange County’s largest building owners & developers.  I knew I would eventually jump into Residential Real Estate sales once my boys started to approach their teen years. 
  • Born & raised in California? 
    • We were both raised in the San Fernando Valley and moved to Orange County in 2002 
    • Dina is married to Tracy’s brother so we have known each other for over 25 years now.
    • We’ve been working together since 2015.


  • Let’s talk about your success. Volume? Team? 
    • Rookies of the Year in 2015
    • First Team Real Estate Hall of Fame  
    • First 6 months in RE…had 6 transactions all from open houses
    • 2020 has actually been a great year for us with over $13 million in sales to date 
    • Most of our business comes from our sphere and past clients
    • We’ve surrounded our selves with a team made up of professionals with the same work ethic & determination to see our clients succeed. 
  • What makes you so passionate about real estate? 
    • The best feeling is when we get to hand the keys over to our new buyers and going through multiple offers with our sellers.
    • Feels like we’re a match maker between people & properties…It’s such a great feeling to be apart of this monumental moment and knowing we provided clients with a positive experience too.
    • We both love the people and families we become so close to during and after the transactions.
  • What do you attribute your success to? 
    • Just being us…having fun and getting it DONE!  We are energetic and professional.
    • Constant communication with our team and clients during entire transaction…never assume.
    • Great follow up.
    • Walk the Walk. 
  • What advice do you have for a new realtor or someone coming into the industry? 
    • Line yourself up with a great mentor or coach.  If it wasn’t for our manager, Gavin Masters, giving us the tools and training we needed, I don’t think we would be where we are now.  
    • Align yourself with a company that fits your level of service and has plenty of resources to support your growth and development. 

Current & Future Real Estate Market 

  • What’s the current state of the real estate market?  
    • During this uncertain time, it’s thankfully still hot.
  • What’s the future of the real estate market?
    • Anticipate that rates will remain low so great time for both buyers and sellers

Working Thru Covid

  • How have you changed the way you do business? 
    • Dina: I used to go in the office everyday as part of my routine.  Now I am enjoying working from my new home office even though it may be temporary
    • Tracy:  I Facetime people way more plus use it more often to show properties to our clients.  More emphasis on walk through videos.
  • Busier than ever? 
    • April was on hold like the rest of the world but after that we’ve been off and running, closed 10 transactions since June…one set to close today and one more in escrow…sweet!!  

Personal Development 

  • What helps you get inspired everyday?
    • Dina: I wake up early every morning and listen to the 5am Club Call…very inspiring stories and motivational speakers…and then write my affirmations and hit the gym or beach trail to workout.  
    • Tracy:  Coffee, yoga and music!
  • Where do you see yourself in the next five years?
    • Purchasing investment properties for ourselves


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