On today’s episode of #mindsetcheck , we have guest Betsy Heller with us. We were connected by a mutual connection that spoke very highly of her and she has some amazing advice on how to live life fearlessly! She also talks about the importance of focusing on gratitude. How having gratitude helps you overcome anxieties. She had a great answer to the following question which I will share with you all. What is the one thing that holds us back from living a more fulfilling life? We all have our own answers, but for me, it’s my mindset. If something doesn’t matter NOW then why worry about them in future decades when there will still be only TOO many worries & anxieties holding YOU down!? Instead, let go with gratitude.

Below we have a few questions that we discussed during the podcast that really stuck out to me. 

Q: Do you have a practice/mantra/tactics you are currently utilizing to get your mindset right every day?

A: Yes, I get up, take the dog out and get his food, pray and read my Bible, do at least a little exercise and stretching and review my goals for year, month, week, and day. 

Q: Is there something that’s currently in  your radar that’s been your theme this week?

A: Gratitude because the opposite is where my thoughts will take me without conscious effort to capture them.

Q: Anything in particular that prep’s you mentally for the day?

A: Writing out things that need to be done or delegated the night before! Having a good evening routine.

We were so fortunate to have Betsy on the podcast with us today. She is a powerful woman who knows how to get things done, and she always has an incredible positive mindset that boosts those around her! The minute we start thinking negatively about our lives or forgetting what blessings there are in this world we will start to fail. Her positive mindset really pushed her forward, leading her to uplift those around herself and we can’t let our negative thoughts hold us back! Be grateful for what you do have in life because many others don’t get as much as you do. Being mindful of how lucky you are right now will help take care of your future self by being present during these moments here.

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