
  • Sue: I moved here from Chicago about 30 years ago…I know that makes me sound ancient but I’m not…I guess it depends who you ask =)  My husband at that time was a real estate broker in Chicago as well as in CA.  He was my inspiration to get into the real estate business.  Together we invested in several multi-residential properties..anywhere to 2-16 units which translates into multi-residential apartments. 
  • Gina: I wanted to get my license at 17 but had to wait. I always had a drive to work and be productive. Probably why I was an odd 16- year old that actually enjoyed having 3 jobs. Real estate wasn’t part of my initial plan I just kind of slipped into it when wanting to help assist my mom but became frustrated at limitations because I wasn’t licensed which was why I took off a semester to focus on getting my license. My family’s background was always some sort of investing, financial planning, etc.
  • Sue: Although not born in CA, I consider myself a native. I disliked the cold.  My last memory of being in the cold is when I was working downtown Chicago and on my way home from the Sears Tower area I had to ride a subway when it was 10 below zero with the doors of the subway frozen OPEN! For an hour!
  • Gina – I was born and raised in California. Love it here!


  • Let’s talk about your success. Team? 
    • Sue: I had modest beginnings…I applied at a couple of CB offices…I was much younger then, had zero confidence but I had a ton of drive and determination…back then, because I had no roots in SD I chose to target FSBO
  • What makes you so passionate about real estate? 
    • Sue: Everyone needs a home and whether they acknowledge it or not they need assistance from an agent that has knowledge and experience of the local area and most importantly from someone who really cares about your outcome and investment because real estate is an expensive investment that should appreciate in value if you buy it right.
    • Gina: For me-it’s because real estate encompasses so much. It could be something simple like an investment prop but more often than not for the people we help it’s a place that should be their haven, sense of security, a place where they create memories and grow and I think last year taught us really well the importance of that
  • What do you attribute your success to?
    • Sue: That’s a loaded question =)  I attribute our success to caring about our clients while assisting them through the arduous process of buying and selling their home and most treasured asset. Whether we represent a buyer client or a seller  we are passionate about what we do which equates to caring about all the details that go into buying or selling a home.   All of our marketing photography videography and home publicity is out of pocket expense.  More importantly is our style of negotiation. We are very strong negotiators and truly act as our clients advocate treating their money as ours.   An agent that really loves what they do and cares about their client needs to know their marketplace and not cave in at the negotiation table.
    • Gina: My mom and my upbringing. She has taught me everything I know especially the non-textbook stuff and how to protect our clients interest but my Dad taught me much as well. He’s always been a businessman and both of them have taught me to be a hard worker, humble and to always keep the fountain of gaining knowledge flowing
  • What are some things you’ve discovered about being a realtor that you may have not thought about prior to starting your career in real estate?
    • Sue: I have discovered that we don’t just open doors and drive principles around to view homes…we are designers, detectives,  marriage consultants  ( sometimes couples are just not on the same page!  We have to help them focus on common goals and work together to achieve those goals.
    • Gina: Lol honestly, the same that Sue mentioned.  We’re psychologists, home decorators, researchers, negotiators, counselors…the job is really a combination of it all!
  • What advice do you have for a new realtor or someone coming into the industry?
    • Sue: If they think this business is easy or a quick buck think again!  You should expect to work for months without pay…they need to work harder and longer and understand the complex communication styles of those they meet and  know  and be adaptable and patient.  They need drive, determination, integrity, commitment and resilience because failure is part of this job…they WILL be rejected, they will be thrown under the bus and I will say sometimes from their own peers…they need to pull up their boot straps and constantly move forward because the obstacles may at times seem insurmountable.
    • Gina: Are you ready for it?  Like Sue mentioned this is not a business for people who cant bulldoze walls. More than the challenges is when you’re new you work 24/7, sometimes too much because you’re trying to build your business.  I’ve learned as the years have gone on it’s ok to say ‘no’ and not want to work with everybody you meet.  Balance after a few years new in the business, will be their hardest part

Personal Development

  • What are your top-three books and why?  
    • Sue: The Bible  because it is a mirror that reflects who we should be ie: loving, kind and forgiving to ALL people…. 
    • Gina: NEVER split the Difference by Chris Voss…..retired FBI Hostage Negotiator, Law of Attraction  Ninja Selling the title should of been Ninja Skills for Success BC the book has absolutely nothing to do with “selling” which is kind of a bad word these days.
  • What helps you get inspired everyday?
    • Sue: My family…my husband my son, daughter and now my granddaughter. 
    • Gina: This was your hardest question for inspiration comes from wanting to help others and go places (travel).  
  • Where do you see yourself in the next five years? 
    • Sue: Working by referral only and growing our database of repeat and referral clients.   Helping people that want and value our expertise.
    • Gina: I totally agree! We’re not the typical agent thats looking to do mass volume but working with those we really connect with and making the process for them fun and successful is most gratifying


  • Where can people go to find out more about you and your listings, services, etc.?
    • Visit:
    • Call: 760-487-8211

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