Josh Giordani Thumbnail (1)
San Diego Title Account Manager, Josh Giordani is a man who has it all: a life spent near the coast of Southern California, a job he’s passionate about, and ambition that keeps him on the road to success. So how does he do it? It might be his joy for life, his dedicated morning routines, or his drive to provide all he can for his partners. Passionate for people has placed Josh in a position to work and grow with his clients. His goals in business are to save his clients’ time and money by adding quantitative value to their business.

Working as a Title Account Manager at Stewart Title, Josh works diligently to help his clients grow their business exponentially. His eight years as an experience realtor gives him a keen understanding of the ins and outs of the real estate industry. He takes advantage of this knowledge and understanding by implement industry tools which makes him a perfect fit for his partners. San Diego Title Account Manager (2) While thinking of the future, Josh is always on top of the latest technology, media, and apps. He employs creative strategies such as Facebook Live and video to connect with partners and clients. His forward thinking allows him to always be at the forefront of the business.

But even more importantly, Josh Giordani adds a personal touch to all he does. Little details, such as handwritten thank you notes, allow him to truly connect and become friends with those he works with. That personal connection is what makes all the difference and allows him to add value to the partners he works with. That personal connection is what makes all the difference and allows him to add value to the partners he works with.

Josh Giordani Thumbnail (3) He makes it a point to network in the space that surrounds his, making connections with everyone from videographers, trust attorneys, and tax accountants. This allows him to quickly connect the dots when his client has a need for them and create lasting bonds on both ends. What makes all this possible for Giordoani is his philosphy of enjoying life. His deep passion spreads from his daily life into his work life and infuses all his interactions with a genuine enthusiasm and overall great energy. He believes it is about relationships, it is about adding value but ultimately, it’s about the people.

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