“David & Colin did a great job helping plan out the script, they helped me from planning who’s going to be a part of this video to what they’re going to ask…they really did a great job with me and coaching me to share my story about being a mortgage loan professional.” – Michael Campos


Mortgage Loan Professional | Michael Campos | San Diego Funding (2)My dad was always involved in my life. Growing up, he was my coach and he’d always say, “grab the bull by the horns.” Since then, it’s been my motto in life…both personal & business.

My name is Mike Campos with San Diego Funding and as a mortgage loan advisor, my passion is to help my clients build wealth through home ownership.

When it comes to financial literacy and financial management, I love to learn and I love to teach. Through the years I’ve worked as an underwriter, I’ve funded construction loans and I’ve funded refinance loans. But ultimately felt called to focus on home purchases. The main reason being that I pride myself in helping my clients build long-term wealth through home ownership.

General Tab.00_00_56_21.Still099I’ve been playing competitive sports my whole life so it feels natural for me to be in a team environment working with my Realtor partners to help the borrower achieve their  financial goals. I’m the quarterback’s best receiver that they can always rely on to help the team get the touchdown.

I love being in the trenches with my Realtor partners.  As a team, we educate and guide home buyers. We find loan solutions that best fit each borrower’s unique situation based on their actual income and asset documentation.

Having a background in underwriting has given me the ability to fully analyze a client’s documentation quickly so the underwriter has prompt and accurate information and can make an informed decision about the loan. You couple this with my great communication skills and I think it’s a perfect recipe for providing the best mortgage planning services in town.

Mortgage Loan Professional | Michael Campos | San Diego Funding (4)We are helping a lot of customers who’s businesses have been thriving by helping them move up in life by assisting them with jumbo loans with or without tax returns.

Our team has the highest level of commitment to helping our clients finance their properties fast. We know how important it is to stick to the purchase contract deadlines and communicate well with our Realtor partners. From our loan opener, our processors and underwriters, we all love to hustle and create solutions.

In addition to our commitment to our Realtor partners, we’re a direct lender and mortgage broker. This gives us full control of the loan process, helps us find the right solution for our clients needs, and because we do so much purchase business, banks come to us and offer their best programs. We like to say we’re in the forefront of all lending programs

Having a coach & mentor like my dad really helped shape me into the person I am today. Living daily from that champion mindset of “grabbing the bull by the horns,” has allowed me to take full ownership of my future, my goals and my life. Daily I get to guide my clients in a similar way. Helping my business partners and my clients find success and achieve their goals is why I do what I do.


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