San Diego Real Estate | Developers Story | Dalzell GroupThe Dalzell group is a powerhouse in the field of development and San Diego real estate. Growing up, their father ran a 400-person construction team in South Africa. Not only did they learn tools of the trade, but it also taught Kevin and Ryan to appreciate working with family.

Kevin, the creative visionary, focuses on finding value in properties and enhancing them so they can meet their full potential, while Ryan, the marketing maven works as a listing agent in order to market and sell the home.

About half of the group’s projects are ground-up, new construction, while the other half are older homes that they can expand upon and bring a new vision to. Their style is classic with a modern twist, creating an elegant and eye-catching final product.

Kevin Dalzell is the mastermind behind the creative process and construction that goes into the company’s builds and remodels. He finds inspiration all around him, including on his travels throughout the United States, which he then applies to the projects he is currently working on. Attention to detail, whether it is the use of a unique material or analyzing how daylight affects a design, is what makes his work so visually impressive. His work is ambitious, and often hard to pull off, but a strong understanding of design and construction culminates in stunning results.

San Diego Real Estate | Developers Story | Dalzell Group (2)Ryan, on the other hand, focuses on showing each home in the best light. A genius marketing strategist, he works with world-class marketing programs and campaigns, utilizing everything from television and video to radio in order to generate activity on a property and get an offer at the highest price. He believes that being integrated into the development process is what gives him the passion necessary to sell effectively.

After 10 years in the field, the brothers have learned how to jump through hoops when working with the various cities and regulations. Knowledge of the system, procedure, and structure that each city prefers, has made their process a smooth one. The brothers agree that achieving a timeline is one of the most satisfying aspects of their work because it keeps everyone from the construction crew to the investors happy. Together the brothers create super unique, custom homes; leaving no creative stone unturned and no corners cut.  At the end of the day, improving properties and selling San Diego real estate is their passion.

Kevin and Ryan of the Dalzell group are connoisseurs in their field; their devotion and skill are evident in the breathtaking work they put out. Their end product is beautiful, has soul, and presents itself beautifully on the market.

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