San Diego Top Realtors | SDAR Circle of Excellence (1)Dressed to the Nines and Ready to Celebrate

With casino games, live entertainment, a cigar and whiskey bar, and thousands of San Diego Top Realtors in attendance, the San Diego Association of Realtors annual Circle of Excellence event was a night to remember.

Held at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront hotel on Saturday January 13th, 2018 and hosted by San Diego news anchor Aloha Taylor, this prestigious event brought together all of San Diego Top Realtors, honoring those who truly exemplify excellence in their day to day profession.

Apprentice winner Bill Rancic gave a great keynote before the awards ceremony started and left so many feeling inspired and ready to kick off 2018.

San Diego Top Realtors | SDAR Circle of Excellence (2)Amber and her team took home both the Individual Silver Award, given to those realtors who sold at least 15 units or $15 million worth of residential real estate and the Team award for Production Volume. Amber was also nominated for Realtor of the Year, which recognizes agents for their ethics, character and service to both the profession and the community.

“Although I didn’t take home the award for Realtor of the Year this year, I couldn’t be more happy for the winner Seth O’Byrne, who is also in my office and is a rockstar agent. It’s such an honor to even be nominated and it just further gives me motivation to reflect on the past year, see what worked and what didn’t and grow even more in 2018!” -Amber Anderson White

San Diego Top Realtors | SDAR Circle of Excellence (3)After the awards ceremony, the night was filled with lots of fun and laughter, as guests played various casino games, danced the night away, and relished in the success of everyone in the room. With everyone dressed to the nines, mingling and enjoying great food and company, there was such a positive energy in the atmosphere.

As always the event was a great success. Not only does it bring everyone together to celebrate all of their hard work and dedication to their clients and to their business, but it allows agents to celebrate amongst their peers and just have a night to remember!

We can’t wait for next year’s amazing Circle of Excellence and a chance to celebrate our success!


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